
I'm a PhD student at Columbia and I can't stop thinking what the poor TA who was leading that lab section was thinking when all of this went down. Personally, if one of my students did this, I would laugh so hard I wouldn't be able to keep teaching. And my true lack of professionalism would be revealed. Gold.

I spent my college years pree-tteey high. I majored in philosophy so when I showed up to a final stoned and wrote long rambling answers to questions I appeared to be a very intellectual thinker who thought outside of the box.

I know at least a dozen people who also thought Astronomy would be Astrology and enrolled their freshman year. Granted, I went to a state school in the 90s... sooooo it's not like we had a bunch of Einstein's running around. They all thought the were bucking the system and getting their science prereqs out of the

I remember one of my Japanese teachers in college telling me flat out that she would never, ever move back to Japan permanently. She described how when she would go back to her hometown for visits and go jogging in the mornings, people would look at her like she was some kind of Amazon. At the time, I was a bit

meh I feel the same way about obnoxious drunk people.

As far as politics goes, Liberal is only synonymous with progressives in the US and a few other countries. Most other countries who identify a political party as "Liberal" refer to conservative values. Examples: Australia, Germany, Japan, Italy... many more.

Both are valid judgements. Large numbers of Americans elect Tea Party candidates.

And once she has children, she's not worth listening to because she should be at home raising them.

This: why my moms peaced outta there in the 1960s.

This is basically the best summary ever.

Japan has had this problem for a long time...Women enter the work force after college, and are only expected to work for a limited number of years before they are "supposed" to get married, leave work, and have children. From my understanding, Japan has never gone through a women's liberation movement like the US did,

"As I continued to call for support for infertile woman, another male voice taunted, "Can't you even bear a child?' " bascially this is someone going

I cannot IMAGINE why this woman is hesitant to snatch up one of those delightful catches and wed as soon as possible! It sounds divine!

And Japan wonders why its going through a birth rate crisis.

"For such male members, understanding and making policies for women who want to but can't marry or have children would be difficult BECAUSE THEY ARE DICKHOLES." FIXED

you can say, "don't Benzinger me, bitch!" For short