In light of her work fighting against sexual assault in war zones, UN Special Envoy (who also acts from time to…
In light of her work fighting against sexual assault in war zones, UN Special Envoy (who also acts from time to…
I think that's exactly it—people don't think they know any atheists so their imaginations just run RIOT.
I know in my circles (Gawker media included) the stereotype of the atheist is someone smug and condescending who thinks agnostics and theists are kind of dumb. And while that isn't someone I would want to hang out with, I wouldn't say I don't want them to be my in-laws. So what's the impression of atheists among the…
Don't you think he looks a little flushed?
Kit Harington, the pretty little Caravaggio model who was cast to be placid and pouty as Jon Snow on Game of Thrones,…
Through high school, I only knew one guy who I knew was an atheist. There were probably others, but he was the only one vocal enough for me to know about it. I remember thinking to myself, "He's an atheist, but he's still a really great guy," you know, as if there was something slightly surprising and contradictory…
As a nonbeliever, I really wouldn't want to marry a religious person. But my horoscope said that I'm destined to marry someone of deep faith, so idk
America is an increasingly politically polarized nation. (No shit.) But by and large, when it comes to family…
Just like your parents told you after that kid in homeroom made fun of your Yu-Gi-Oh binder, being cool in high…
Being artificially kept alive with tubes and pumps and shit...
So who pays the medical bills to keep these incubators (since they obviously don't consider them people) alive? I mean, Jindal and his Republican cronies won't allow the Medicaid expansion...
The group also banned drugs, alcohol, cigarettes,
I just scrolled down to look for one. I have reached a shitty level of apathy regarding any awful news. My brother (Army Reserve) just was told that he ISN'T getting deployed to Afghanistan, after being told for almost a year he was going, so that's a relief. Now I'm selfishly hoping we don't step up involvement here…
So you know how those palaces have low gates around the royal beds? They served a purpose—the court would be in the room to watch the queen give birth and to watch the royal couple consummate the marriage (it was considered irrevocable proof that the marriage was valid).
Now go search for something you want :)
No, haha, your sleep pattern has nothing to do with your compatibility as people. I still sleep better with him than most people, but probably because we've been together so long, but there is no shame in getting a good night's sleep, and it has nothing to do with your love or affection for each other.
[Did the parents just have sex next to their kids? How did that even work?]
I wish it would do more than look for the last thing I looked at. Bought my wife a purse on amazon through a link she sent me, next thing I know all my ads are purses.