This really raises the steaks for mobile games.
aww.. mr cuddles will have you right as rain again in a jiffy
Sorry, they should have labeled the headline as NSF$
Big meanie heads.
That splains a lot.
Fathoms per ferlong!
You no longer are.
If only I wasn’t gray
Probably caused by improperly inflated tires due to the conversion of pounds per square inch to fathoms per furlong or whatever goofy measurement they have over there.
Police were able to get a description of the driver from an eyewitness.
“Now things have gotten worse”
Isn’t a Compaq what Carly Fiorina used to dismantle Hewlett Packard?
There’s a special place in hell reserved for Windows ME. The desktop on the other hand? Not bad.
Probably a higher percentage than those who know what DOS is...
They signed it on the Mayflower. I was there!
Unfortunately I do.
I wonder what percentage of commenters will even know what a “compaq” is.
Just borrow the design from Top Fuel dragsters and be done with it
I guess my prize is not going to be getting promoted out of the grays.