Lil Lo

use of “whack” aside, your style is suspect and is more in line with that of a 7th grader.

You’re obviously retarded and no nothing about lending... carry on.

Duh... How is a 1 yr old supposed to throw themselves a party? I also threw my kid a fairly expensive 1st bday party. It’s a tradition in my culture. Well not necessarily the expensive part but anytime you’re going to host and feed 100+ people its not going to be cheap.

I took my baby a couple of times when I couldn’t get a sitter but I felt like going to the game and had comp tickets i had received in advance. She was fine, didn’t cry or bother anyone. It helped that the seats (dodgers dugout club) had a restaurant/indoor area to retreat to for a bit if she did get antsy.

man all that effort for an unfunny joke. shame.

its definitely not spectator friendly to casual fans, but I think that for the minority who practice BJJ it is very interesting and exciting to see the technical prowess exhibited by these high level practitioners.