The Cowpuncher

Don't worry, it's great.

It's true. You'll see more beaver pelts in the first 20 minutes of this than you would a frontier trading post.

Yes. But just barely.

I hope not. That would be some shitty writing.

I did. They were sad so I drank. And I still don't have an answer to my question.

I absolutely believe thats true. In fact, I think Rey is Luke's daughter and R2D2 sprang to life because he sense that. Who knows…it was a helluva movie though.

Yeah….so, did R2 come alive because he sensed Rey was a Jedi, or that Rey was relation to Luke and R2 sensed that. Or am I nerd whose reaching.

Ok…Luke's saber could make sense. And waiting to come alive until he knew he had a worthwhile apprentice works.

Question: Why did R2D2 come to life at the end? Was it because he sensed Ray was a Jedi? Is Rey Luke's daughter and NOT Kylo Ren's brother as I assumed? Thanks.