
@Rav Casley Gera: Ha, maybe that is what FB meant. New email with all kinds of new stuff = notemail. fyi, I'm gonna steal your idea.

Count me in. Except for the people that I've come to enjoy reading there random and usually hilarious daily life encounters... I'm keeping them and I don't care who the fuck they are.

I'm gonna do what I can to walk into the groping with a raging hard on. In fact I'm going to pass out the flier from UCSF with viagra pills and then just sit back and watch.

@Brian Wright: I was thinking the same thing. Just passing them out on my way to security... but I think I'd chicken out in fear of missing my flight.

When the machines enslave us I hope they use this guy to create our reality.

Oh wow, we'll join the rest of the world. Ha, I was telling people cell phones would be doing this soon about 12 years ago when I worked for Pac Bell Wireless.

@blyan-reloaded: This post started out talking about the "like" button. Relax, I was agreeing with you. People love to hate.

@Gimmeslack: +1 I'm gonna go wash my eyes now.

I can't believe they let this guy on a plane!!!

@Ryan: I as well will go big and combine coke and cherry on this glorious day.

@Incoherent: agreed, i still have an account but haven't looked at it in I dunno how long. Not sure if it is worth the time to cancel.

@CaptainJack: Thank you for using the fonzie action figure for a random improvement for you post.

In a related story people spotted a road runner for a brief moment prior to the creature disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

@Glasfeena: If I had that ladder I would climb over my tool box and then back to the other side all day. weeeeeee!

I think I still have a google wave invitation if you want one :)