@pettiblay: Me too, I want my name. Did you find out where/how?
@pettiblay: Me too, I want my name. Did you find out where/how?
I'm I the only one that thinks we shouldn't fuck with the ecosystem this much?
Thanks for the video, I really like how giz has been doing video reviews of stuff lately.
@Shiboe: I (or probably more like my employer) wants those 3-5 minutes back. I'm still not sure what this post is about!
@wakers01: Step 4: Get therapy to get over girl 1 and then sleep around for a few years till you forget the pain and want to give another half of your stuff away. :) {not bitter}
@Settings: I took home ec in high school... easiest class to ditch and get high.
Girl: "You want me to pee on your phone creep?"
@Curves: as long as you're on the freeway :)
Great, now Google is gonna be more powerful than the US when they win.
"It's like dark chocolate peanut butter cups topped with blowjobs." I need to get out more...
@sarge5: nice.
@thecornyman: It would take a few hours but I would fill that little screen with snake = pure enjoyment...
I just ditched my Comcast last week. Aside from not being able to get sports (no a biggie to me) and live news (I read more online) I find that I don't sit on my couch mindlessly anymore. If I sit down it is to watch something that I wanted to watch and if not I fill my time with something more enjoyable.
@SuramaAte: You definitely have a point about the live news and sports. But the rest is really easy if you have a PS3 or Xbox. I can really only speak to the PS3, but with a simple program I have HDTV streaming to my TV really easy. I have a PS3 remote to easily select what I want to watch.
Ha, i'm gonna go watch The Big Lebowski now ;)
@Cinjun: The put a new one out for this year and then another essential update right after the 1st week. Since then it seems decent as far as bugs go. I really only use it for last min lineup in fantasy and checking scores.
iphone 4:
Goodbye ecosystem... It was really nice to know you.
@Mooncow27: You think they will stop with fish?