
OMG, first thought you might say that would be cool but, have you looked at 3/4 of the peole who visit NYC ? I dont think I would go there ever again, sure there will be SOME nice views but, man the bad would out weigh the good, trust me..

5 was really nice looking but, after about 2 hours playing it sucked..... WE NOW RETURN TO.... got so freaking old with only 8 tracks, after about 2 hours, they were old. I put maybe a total of 20 hours into that game that I dreaded going to the same tracks over and over in a single game.

And ? On Chess for example, a human could predict 2 maybe 3 moves ahead and possable next moves. A computer in about a 1/10 of a second could find thousands of moves and every possable move after that one, including every check mate option from your one move.