
Here's a thought: Why not begin Ethan and Sam's affair when he and Lisa move to New York? The lingering attraction and proximity is just too much, Ethan is under pressure about the book and prone to make bad decisions. And it raises the stakes much higher, as I can't possibly root for their respective marriages at

Is anyone else sick of TV/film romanticizing shitty people cheating on their significant others? Not only is it a tired trope, but it also makes it so difficult to empathize with the characters involved.

I think it's because I saw a spoiler in a headline - something like the revolution begins "with the drop of a stone" - but I knew it would be Janine. I feel very robbed of the surprise to be honest, lol. But that didn't take away from the impact.

I was also grateful for the real-ish time wedding scene. Totally worth it!

I had the same thought!

I'm also binging The Americans from the beginning, but I made the mistake of starting to watch the show during its fourth season. I'm still enjoying the hell out of it, but I can only imagine what it would have been like to watch it in order. The Americans has got to be THE most underrated (or under-hyped) show out

Man, I guffawed at the end of that whole sequence. The unexpected laughs are the best laughs.

Damn well said.

THANK YOU. Justin Bieber was also really bad. I mean, I loved this episode so so much, but the TERRIBLE basketball nearly took me out of it. I was brainstorming ways they could have just avoided any oncreen basketball altogether.

Very interesting…

Is it lame that I thought it could be God and the Devil when he said that? Seemed to fit the theme…

Canny observations!

Potentially TMI? But I recently had a bad drug reaction that covered my entire body in the most unbearably itchy rash ever, which also triggered my asthma on top of it. The way Turturro portrayed that desperation and panic was EXACTLY how I felt. I was so impressed.

She was incredibly nuanced this episode - it was amazing.


As the suspense began to ramp up, I started to forget about Elliot.

I LOVE Minna. I was so happy to see her back!

Ben's reaction to Jonah shooting himself in the foot was glorious. I thought this was a really strong episode, by the way. I was laughing the whole way through. I see Kate's points, but a B- is really harsh IMO!

For some reason I'd recently went on a YouTube spiral and rewatched the whole Howard Dean thing. With that fresh in my memory, the reference KILLED ME.

I thought of Russ' "This guy fucks" when Jared's storyline began to unfold. Was very pleased by that callback.