
Most designs are inherently much more stable and safer than Soviet era RBMK designs, but the fundamental truth to what he is saying that even safer Western designs are alarmingly unchanged from the designs implemented forty years ago. Comparing the re-certified reactors in the US where operators are given extensions

Why would people buy an Oris when you can get an amazing homage with a Swiss movement from a company like Steinhart?

Why would people buy an Oris when you can get an amazing homage with a Swiss movement from a company like Steinhart?

So what is your solution? A young man does some collossaly stupid shit so his career is over, full stop? I agree that there’s some concern with just letting things slide a few months after shit goes sideways, but the flip side seems to be this notion that there can be no forgiveness and his past mistakes mean he’s

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Since you apparently are asleep at the wheel.

I get that you’re a cut-rate troll, but try harder man. That headline doesn’t attack Eichenwald, it attacks the double standards employed by law enforcement. No amount of willful conflation of that is going to change reality, but then again you don’t seem too troubled ignoring reality as long as you get to deploy your

Why are you being arrested? Bitch, it’s called brandishing, or more precisely Florida 790.10, Improper exhibition of dangerous weapons or firearms. It’s a first degree misdemeanor, unless your bigoted rant can hopefully be used to upgrade it to a hate crime and a terrorist threat.

Size: every one who reviewed the ID concept mentioned the cavernous interior, there was tons of space. I doubt the production model would skimp in that.

Don’t worry, the freshly remodeled Trump Supreme court will protect us!

Depending on what you want to set the term limits to you’re going to create one of two potential outcomes: if the limits are short, you’re going to create a legislature full of inept newcomers who have no clue what they’re doing or how to get laws passed, if you set the limits higher, between 20-30 years you’re

He doesn’t deserve any respect at all; the office deserves some, which is the amount I offer. Unfortunately nobody has a greater lack of respect for the office than 45, so it’s especially painful.

I’m not sure how you guys heard “comfortable zippy 2 door automatic” and the response was anything other than a slightly used GTi or S5. The DSG from VAG is pretty much the only automatic that should be considered for the word “zippy”. Both those cars can be found for $35,000 or less with 10 years of life left in

It’s too bad, because when they’re just being themselves instead of their characters they get up to some genuinely fun banter. It’s almost like they’ve known eachother for a decade and a half.

Because they don’t want sound governance, they want revenge for years of obstruction led by McConnel, for Kavanaugh and a wildly reformed judiciary, and for how shitty both parties have become. Nevermind that the infantile back-and-forth tit for tat nonsense they’re advocating is going to harm more than it helps,

What part of professional is confusing to Raphael, and to a lesser extent David? I get that you guys are all in for suggesting kitschy “fun but unexpected” cars, but it’s pretty clear you don’t even listen to what people say they’re looking for with crap like this.

Sharing chassis underpinnings is one thing, but Dodge has practicallyt taken the same car and strategically slapped a little bondo/lipstick on a few of the panel gaps and called it a new model for years.

To which Nissan would cite the poor sales response of it’s “NISMO SEMA line of products” to justify its refusal to make enjoyable or interesting cars for a further ten years.

Yeah, taking a car and making it into a race car is so undignified, everyone around here is all about leaving their econoboxes stock and enjoying the engineering that goes into making a beige people-mover that’ll last 180,000 miles.

it’s nice that cars from that era are finally getting their day in the sun

I’m 6'6", if your heels make you taller than me the only “some sort of way” I’m going to feel is confusion.

What the fuck does your being a woman have to do with your childish, angry at my dad, hyperbole-ridden bullshit getting called out for being childish, angry at my dad, hyperbole-ridden bullshit?