
Per the CDC:

Almost everything you’ve said is completely inaccurate, AND the core point you’re attempting to make doesn’t make any sense. Overdose statistics aren’t inflated, it doesn’t matter whether you overdosed on heroin laced with Carfentanil or decided to take 1/2 a bottle of Oxy at once as a suicide attempt; if you overdose

Did you miss the part where the council made no attempt to warn the owner that they were outside of compliance and their property would be at risk, or are you more of the “shoot first, let them know they’re trespassing later” mentality?

1) Overdoses are now the leading cause of death for those under 50, it’s definitely a serious problem.

The difference is by pushing a loan to 84 months they’re paying on a car that is worth less than the loan amount for years. Where will that money come from if the car is totaled?

Those people are absolutely to blame for signing a paper agreeing to buy something they should know they can’t afford. Certainly there should be more transparency, but at the end of the day you’re an adult, you should know at least enough to know that the dealership isn’t in your corner, they’re in their profit’s

Per Sir Patrick Stewart the final scene shot was not the poker game as that was actually shot about a week earlier.

I’m guessing the subtext of your comment was that not enough people were properly identifying the real problem; don’t friggin race on the street. To which, let me fix that for you:

As an EE undergrad I don’t think spending 6 months living with and caring for the spawns of entitled shitbags like this is easier than engineering.

Just point out that B&J and Pepsi’s stock prices will boom, which Trump can claim responsibility for and he’d prolly let it happen.

Don’t go looking to the progressives for economic logic, their stock and trade is misplaced moral outrage and a sense of smug superiority over anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

We get it, you’re progressive, human beings are more than just their voting record, so go fuck yourself for shitting on someone for acknowledging that instead of taking political pot shots at a dead man.

Yeah, pretty much the entire art community banded together to give Kapoor as many middle fingers straight up his Vantablack asshole as they could muster.

Kapoor will always be a piece of shit for blocking all other artists from accessing Vantablack. Speaking of which, I think I’ll go buy some Black 2.0 courtesy of Stuart Semple and do literally anything other than let Anish Kapoor use it.

All wrong. The answer is clearly a Cadillac CTS-V from 2011-2015. Take your pick between a wagon or a coupe depending on how many points Mom put into quirky, but they’ll both be motivated by 556 thundering OEM LSA horses that any moron in the country will be able to service, unlike they Fiat or Alfa. It’ll look better

He’s also top of the list I’d love to see get this treatment.

How about the fact that he’s gutted US regulatory policy for telecom at the behest of his owner former employer, Verizon.

If your ludicrous comparison was intentional, take your false equivalence and get fucked. If you’re just too ignorant to know how stupid it was, suppress your urge to get defensive because your examples were absurd. “I heard a victim say they were forced to have sex, guess they’re trying to call me a rapist because

The entire point is that any truth Ren would give her is simply revealing the secrets locked in Rey’s head. She believes Ren because she believed it herself and was afraid of admitting it, that’s the whole point of the scene. He even begins by goading her to say it herself. Whether it’s true or a lie, it comes from

Her ideas aren’t remotely modern, and most of them are first collegiate socialist drivel. She tapped into the popularity of Bernie Sanders’s message without realizing that his track record was the only thing that tempered his inability to outline how to pay for all his awesome sounding ideas, and he was popular