
I’m of two minds here. On the one hand this is pretty blatant bullshit, complete abuse of power for intimidation, and I’ll bet if you looked at all the jaywalking citations this dude wrote you’d see a clear and abusive pattern that he’s racially profiling.

I’m of two minds here. On the one hand this is pretty blatant bullshit, complete abuse of power for intimidation, and I’ll bet if you looked at all the jaywalking citations this dude wrote you’d see a clear and abusive pattern that he’s racially profiling.

For government employees to have a case against their employer for being terminated in response to their exercise of free speech they need to prove the interest of the employee as a citizen, in commenting on matters of public concern, outweighs the employer’s interest in promoting the efficiency of the public services

Every single employer in the world violates the concept of free speech these days. If you say something stupid or potentially embarrassing in a publicly visible medium you’re going to get fired. It happens all the time when people say shitty ignorant stuff on Facebook and everyone cheers, hell the SJW crowd invented

The world is not the binary schism of right and wrong you seem to think it is. Reality is full of nuance, compromise, and picking what things are worth expending good will on and which are emotionally charged sacred cows that have little actual impact in the grand scheme of things. Bipartisanship is about putting your

That’s because those folks have probably never read any of Dr. kings words outside of his 1963 Civil Rights March speech.

Yeah, that absurdly binary approach is EXACTLY the reason that there’s so many people not on board with Black Lives Matter.

I could not agree more.

People aren’t health care professionals, while there’s no short supply of people looking for magic pills, but let’s be realistic, the entire U.S. healthcare industry is symptom-driven and revolves around telling you what pharmaceutical to buy for life. There’s precious little focus given to lifestyle changes or

It is not at all complicated to explain to the average layman that cholesterol is an important substance that does everything from repair vascular damage to keeping your lungs functioning, and that the transport lipoproteins come in several varieties, some of which are big and fluffy and like to get stuck on one

Not wrong according to FTC law. Any item shipped to you in error is considered a gift, so you simply returned your purchase because the company was kind enough to give you it as a gift.

Don’t be skeptical of science, be skeptical of shitty, lazy science writers who do a terrible job of summarizing actual scientific findings and act like there’s some surprising revelation that isn’t there.

What do you expect from assholes who insist on referring to LDL and HDL as “good or bad cholesterol” instead of taking 3 seconds to explain that they’re transport lipoproteins?

The trio are without question amateurs, both in the context that they are not professional race drivers and the more common usage suggesting that they do not possess mastery of race driving.

I think it’s super cool that Microsoft is devoting the art resources to make this a compelling addition to your persona, and I think it’s especially empowering that they seem to be putting tremendous effort into making it so that kids can have their avatar reflect who they are so that kids can feel like they belong

I don’t know how we start fixing this growing problem with our culture where the shroud of anonymity of the internet leads to the almost immediate escalation of any perceived slight to threats.

I had no idea that ISIS was the only terrorist organization in the world.

I’m really not sure how there’s room for confusion, it’s pretty clear Hammond overcooked it going into the kink before the corner. He starts to lock it up and have the rear step out as he tries to get in position to enter the turn and can’t get it back before the road runs out.

An amateur driver who was driving a pre-production vehicle crashed on a difficult road where a hill course is staged and it’s tainted the reputation of motorsports? If something as obvious as this taints the reputation of motorsports what the fuck do they think 29 years under billionaire evil midget Bernie Ecclestone

I don’t object to their decision. Every action has repercussions, and I can understand that a foundation related to the Sandy Hook shooting aren’t interested in doing anything to promote attention to the baseless theory Jones is proposing. My comment was more aimed at suggestions that Kelly shouldn’t have done the