I never said it was good, bad, or indifferent. I said that it being good, or bad, or anything is an opinion.
I never said it was good, bad, or indifferent. I said that it being good, or bad, or anything is an opinion.
The president of the United States of America gave him a press pass and went on his show. Even if he’s the butt of the world’s jokes that’s about as much of a platform and legitimization as anything out there.
One of the principles of our culture is that we allow the free discourse of ideas. I don’t give any stock to people like Jones, and I don’t like their statements, but one of the more dangerous attitudes that’s been pervasive from some of the more extreme elements on the left over the past years is the idea that if we…
So, not that silly things like definitions or logic will dissuade a troll as lazy or unimaginative as yourself, but you qualified a piece of foreign policy with an adjective, that is unquestionably an opinion.
Also, the Iran deal was signed in 2015, so there’s not a whole lot of merit in suggesting there is a…
R8, seriously, it’s an actually decent car, it will rip your face off, it has AWD so it won’t kill you in the rain, and it’s got a gated shifter. There’s no reason NOT to get one.
I can’t even tell if that’s supposed to be ironic or not.
I didn’t suggest it was a crime, but fortunately committing a crime isn’t the only mechanic for removing an unfit individual from the office of the president. Unfortunately none of the mechanics exist change who would replace him, save of course, the linear progression of 1,322 more days.
I remember when there was no allegation of Iran interfering to get Obama elected.
I’ve suspected for a while this would turn into a real anti-climax for Democrats who desperately wanted it to turn up a smoking gun. The reality is reasonable people have been horrified with the way the administration reacted primarily because we assumed there wasn’t much substance, which proves even more firmly how…
Hopefully they realize that the gold is the moments in between the scripted crap, that’s why the bits that always work the best are the ones that leave the most for them to just good around as mates.
I’m so concerned that this attention is going to lead to Devil Drives a Mustang getting a cabinet position.
I was primed to hit it with the CP wrench, but I have to say the guy seems to have actually exhibited a decent level of care in the work, I think it might actually be cool at that price.
That is far and away the best “If you’ve got the money to buy one...” responses.
This should be required reading for Jeff Sessions.
Hey, we weren’t there to lecture them, just to get rich as the world’s largest arms dealer. Take that Nicholas Cage!
Your last line seems a bit ironic considering Donald Trump is still the president of the US.
Jesus, so we have a Navy that is still married to the rotted corpse of concurrency, gambling billions on building a carrier around a system that may or may not ever work as it’s currently packaged, and rather than finishing the EMALS and building the carrier around it in a fiscally prudent manner we’re just going to…
Sorry that was meant to reply to the other comment.
I recently was looking at a few cars out of state and I just double checked with the dealer, scheduled with a local shop that was well reviewed, and the dealer dropped it off then picked it up a few hours later.
Look, we all appreciate your appeal to logic here, but what we really need is more baseless emotional hand-wringing about anything that might offend me if I analyze it under a social-justice microscope powered exclusively by my own ability to be offended by nothing.