
Two things:

I didn't see the episode yet, so I can't say for certain... but I literally just got done reading that scene in the books. There's *definitely* implied rape in the book as well. How many times does a person have to say "no" before it's considered rape?

My favourite part was the response of the whitening of a character in order to avoid allegations of racism.
"We like ethnically diverse characters, but we have to work with what we got, and what we got, it's pretty racist."

Censorship would be banning it. Criticizing it is just as protected as publishing it. And a lot of the strongest critics of the way women are portrayed in comics are avid comic book fans. So yes, we can talk about the way female superheroes are drawn.

Boob-hole for the ladies, crotch-hole for the men, it's only fair.

I am also expecting a daughter, and we are on a pediatrician hunt. I expressed a desire for a female pediatrician so that when the time comes that she may or may not want birth control, and might feel uncomfortable talking to me about it, she can go to her doctor and maybe feel safer asking for it. Now, I broached

You entirely missed the point. But I'll bite at your comment anyway. I'll believe this doesn't have patriarchal roots the moment I see a father recite a poem warning all the girls his future son may date not to break his heart, too.

Your friend is wise. And I'm glad that asshole is your ex; good for you for managing to get out. Your daughter will be so much better for it (and obviously you too).

Why do dads need to do it at all, though? My dad didn't. And I've had nothing but wonderful boyfriends.

I am commenting without watching the video (that will have to wait until I'm not at work), but the Overprotective Daddy thing creeps me the hell out. I was recently talking with a friend about my ex-husband, who would joke about breaking the neck of any guy who ever hurt our (not even two-year-old!) daughter, and know that a woman can have her heart broken no matter how great her dad is, right? It's just one of those things that happens to people sometimes.

I kinda want pictures of people who don't all look hipsterish. Like I like that the pictures have a spectrum, but it's a kinda limited spectrum.

I totally see where you're coming from. On the other hand, I also see a benefit to exposing the dehumanizing effect of giving in to the patriarchal demand that women be beautiful and eternally youthful. This is maybe not the nicest way to do it. Personally I didn't laugh while I watched this, but I did feel a stronger

Polyamory is not polygamy.

Polyamory is not the same as polygamy.

Holla Pacific Northwest!

Where I'm from we call it "The Macklemore". Bet you can guess where I'm from.

I <3 my Olloclip. Got it for Christmas, and I can take amazing macro photos.

It's possible to kill something painlessly with very little training. To me, *morally* they is the same, and neither is bad, as long as they are painless.