i just imagined a guy sitting on top of one chucking pies at people and everybody is all "GET OFF YA PIE HORSE!"
i just imagined a guy sitting on top of one chucking pies at people and everybody is all "GET OFF YA PIE HORSE!"
he was incredible. i kind of get the need to patent medicine....but on the oother hand...
give them the friggin medicine.
won't a black market emerge with the tiered pricing???
i know Washington State has weird laws about shipping tobacco, so a huge underground market has emerged for getting pipe tobacco and things shipped here.
i cannot see this being enforceable. it'll just cause a lot of really desperate people to get shady, poorly…
i have literally never heard of this. is it a small town thing? i live in washington state so..
basic bitch poster child is Lauren Conrad. Do you wish your life was pinterest? than you might be basic.
i've been saying "wugs/wuks/wuts/wuns" and they all sound the same to me??? i think i'm saying them all with an 's'.
i just said "one wug, two [wug]." ;____;
we had the exact same orange shag in our toy room. same dark-wood paneling too. even as a little kid, it kind of grossed me out.
can i ask you what your real name is? i once knew a hispanic woman who insisted everyone call her "medium" because than we'd pronounce "mariam" like it's supposed to be.
bonus: saying "rise up lights" in american makes you sound like you're saying "razor blades" in australian. also "my cocain" sounds like michael…
i never understood this, isn't there self-check where these people live? who actually buys condoms from people?
i agree.
also there are infinite little bags that fit condoms. condoms are like, what, 3x3 inches with virtually no depth? you can't find a pouch to put them in? there's no zipper part in your purse? you can't MAKE a little pouch if you're so ashamed of your no-baby insurance?
i never understood products like these....…
race-face is never ok. black face is worse? fine. all other race-faces are ok? NOT FINE.
I was gonna say i liked Eagle Eye too. Well, at least when I saw it in theaters.
Wow, remember when Shia Laboooof had promise?
that is so accurate.
imagine never having to worry about car tabs again, or when you're cooking and you realize you don't have enough eggs. I can just imagine all my minor annoyances getting passed off to somebody else and it's amazing.
Anybody else kind of want an assistant now? I know i'm supposed to be OH so horrified, but besides the drug-mule and palm reader, this sounds like the life. I'd love to have somebody sort through my emails, get me coffee, organize my schedule... I mean that's awesome.
insensitivity to cancer fighters. but not, you know, insensitive to people. in general. because SELF would totally be on board mocking and humiliating if it were non cancer fighters.
omfg i love frog fractions
DITTO!! or bellevue at least. seattle is the kind of place to make this happen. we could totally float a cupcake atm