
ok ok ok i blame the artist in me but pause at any point in the video. she looks good. she always has good angles, wtf???? she probably looks in the mirror each morning and thinks "yeah, i got it" and waltz out sans make-up.


jerk >:(

(srsly tho how can you not have one bad picture? not fair)

ok, non-creeper here, but she is positively the most radiantly beautiful person on the planet. her skin is, GOD, just so fucking lovely. and her figure is bomb. (dem thighs girl) ughhhhhh i can't tell if i want to know her, draw her or be her.


i dunno. nearly every woman has pierced ears so much that i'm somehow special for never piercing them.
i imagine that will become tattoos in the next decade or so. parents will tell their kids "you can have one when you're 13." and they'll be like "but mooooooom, jaîdÿyné's mom let her get a tattoo in 4th grade!!!"


tell them it's your social security number so you'll never forget it

RENT has the most incredible soundtrack about the most insufferable things.

it is my personal agony. i can't hate on it with the sane people, because i listen to the music constantly, but the second i mention it all the crazy people shout I LOVE RENT TOO FUCK DA MAN FUCK DA POLICE MOO WITH ME

and i don't fit anywhere.

you've never broken up with a boyfriend O___o''
like ever? wow

i really don't understand the obsession with him :/ he seems kind of arrogant and that's a turn off for me

mane n tail is actually an AMAZING product. if you have curly hair it does wonders. i once had dreadlocks and main n tail's detangler got every bit of them out.

you could equally say it's about falling in love with Bio-Matter. samantha fell in love with theodore too.

if it were about another subject i might agree, but regarding A.I., how the viewer accepts or rejects it is entirely up to them and their own ideas on what constitutes life. that's not something you can simply change with a movie. what it's supposed to do is invite discussion. i liked Her and i believed in Samantha.

i'm slowwwwly becoming obsessed with her. she has that awesome style that you don't see too much. i want her hair!!!

and the waist is so high!!!!

those are some high waisted jeans. she looks cute but dang, girl.

case in point: myself. though i say conservative because i think the government should get out of everybody's business. blanket statements and vilifying the other side does nothing constructive and instead makes politics about "us" vs "them" instead of the real issues.

and to be honest, i see way more people vilifying

i have never been more horrified O_____O what is this even

she knows she looks rad.
her looks always make everybody else look amatuer

well he is bi so

she's hunching forward though. straight back, shoulders back, michelle!!

actually she probably spent ages haha

but she's absolutely stunning here. i'm completely jealous. (yo have to have a boy body to pull of boy clothes though :( i'd wear this stuff every day, but sadly my hips don't lie)