Fred Durst Circa 2000

It’s the classic perils of blindcasting: creates the appearance of diversity, but with the consequence of failing to interrogate how a predominantly white, wealthy suburb of Atlanta is so nonchalant about race. And again, it might not have been as frustrating if the pilot hadn’t been underlining how Victor sat outside

I think part of the reason why racism is kind of dropped as a topic is how they’ve cast the show. If Mia is the most popular girl in the school and Andrew is the lead jock, then it makes it less plausible that racism would be a major factor in Victor’s highschool life. They would have to either recast these roles to

The first Incredibles remains my favorite Pixar, I wanted them to make a sequel virtually since I walked out of theaters after seeing the first one, and yet this left me cold. After a 14 year wait, it just seemed disappointing that all they could do with the story is flipflop Helen and Bob’s plots from the first one.

Eventually, AV Club reviews will be *just* the trigger warnings about the parts that “haven’t aged well.” “Beware: the female characters in this movie fail to treat James Franco’s character as a sexually unacceptable creep. Scarlett Johansson’s character is never forced to repent for the actress’s sinful statements

“Why not challenge the status quo instead of falling back on fear-mongering tradition?” - From literally every Mission: Impossible flick and Craig 007 entry, to countless action schlockfests in the Fast & Furious and Expendables vein, white/Anglo Euro-American villains, nearly all of them apolitical corporatists or

Carrell wasn’t a star but he was established enough for comedy film fans to know of him when it came out, mostly thanks to standing out in Anchorman and Bruce Almighty in the previous couple of years. (And 11m watched the first episode of The Office a few months earlier - season one averaging just over 5m - so, again,

Apatow’s movies cover “a great variety of personalities”? There’s, uh, the gently snarky white guy, the gently even-keeled white dude, the snarky yet gentle white family, the snarky white woman who becomes entirely gentle, and the harmless snarker from SNL... who is white. And all are middle-class, and smoke

Film critic Vince Mancini referred to it as “one of Apatow’s overlong Man-Child Belatedly Learns To Clean His Room sagas”, which I think is a spot-on representation of Apatow’s movies (and clearly, his mindset and fear regarding aging).

The King Of Staten Island doesn’t adhere to a single, crucial family-endorsing plot point that will vex progressive-minded viewers, the way Knocked Up bothered some for not being a 20-minute movie about an abortion.”

They thought it was a good move because nobody had ever heard of the original Lady A until now, when pop culture writers found a cheap way to dunk on the former Lady Antebellum. (No, I’m not a fan, but I can’t stand this kind of easy pile-on bullshit that makes up so much of the Newswire these days.) I’m sure people

Trump was the death knell for this country’s position as a superpower. Even when he glances at a reasonable policy—facing off with China more aggressively—he executes all policies according to his own selfish whim and in the worst fashion possible. He doesn’t even get what he’s trying for half the time.

When Progressive finally gives in and makes a feature film with Flo and the other insurance agents, this will be a part of that movie. You’d better write the script now before someone steals it from you. 

I feel like this is gunna be part of a review rollercoaster. This review basically somes it up as “alright.”

Does anyone not feel this way about Josh Gad? His success baffles me because it seems like a universally accepted fact that he sucks, but yet he works more than anyone.

The first book is really quite brilliant. Most of it plays as kind of a Die Hard sort of narrative, with Artemis as Hans Gruber, and it works really well. 

I’ve always been willing to see what Kenneth Branagh is up to because it’s bound to be interesting but Josh Gad is one of those people that whenever I learn is involved in a project I immediately lose enthusiasm.

Because people are still allowed to make movies about topics that aren’t perfectly timely and relevant in the news cycle? What an odd question.

Baffled as to how that’s the message people get from BlackKlansman

My reading of the end of that movie was completely different from yours. There was the false climax where they got the racist cop, sure - and then the system told them “lol, we don’t care about black people or fighting the KKK, we’re going to forget about it now.” And then the Klan shows up and burns a cross.

Apropos of nothing but Madagascar 3 came out that year and it was *great*. I really didn't think I'd end up enjoying a Dreamworks sequel more than the latest Pixar.