
Liberals can be funny, since theres so much comic gold to mind, but this show just wasnt funny AT AL! And its Standard Definition production didnt help matters, either-same with Judges B&BH comeback last year-whats up with that shit? Does
Judge have a fetish for crappy, SD animation?

Holy shit! If I was Pete Campbell, Id never go into the office again! Hell, Id never leave the bed again! Alison is so fucking hawt!

Holy shit! If I was Pete Campbell, Id never go into the office again! Hell, Id never leave the bed again! Alison is so fucking hawt!

Pissed the shit out of me, too!

Bookshelves? Thesauraus? It seems like someones stuck in 1985! Get thee to a DeLorean!

Yeah, Jimmy would never say that! Maybe Maw Maw would, though, lol!

The thrid was the worst-the first two are CLASSICS! Sort of like the Godfathers-parts I and II are two of the greatest of all time!

Who the FUCK hasnt seen The Back to the Future movies by now?

You know what they say at the Beijing Central Perk? "How Ru doin!"

In the words of Bette Davis,,"What a Dump!"

In the words of Bette Davis,,"What a Dump!"

Are the Braves serious? I always thought they, and their fans, were morons-now I KNOW they are!