The Colonel

Huh? Everyone at Burning Man came with their drugs, no one buys shit on the playa.

Bro, if he went the opening day, OF COURSE he was impressed. He also think "Dismaland" is an insanely clever riff on Disneyland.

That was the most chill burn I've read in a minute. Good work Racj82, and damn straight.

Or at least something that TRIED to sound like Daft Punk.


Looked like a button wearing a fur coat!

If you're interested I have a dong in even higher resolution.

What would a game of Paradisio entail? Walking around, being bored at all the angelic formations and hosannah-ing?

Trainers by the pound, son, trainers by the ton.

Thank you. Big Beat's on here, but no Apache Break?

Or as I said elsewhere on this page: Insane but not unbelievable that the AV Club did a write-up on drum breaks, the Amen Break specifically, and didn't even mention DnB.

The AV Club, where someone writes about the Amen Break and doesn't even mention drum and bass. Great work.

Lol, have fun listening to Justin Beiber.

he's a pioneer of BROSTEP. It's like being the pioneer of Axe Body Spray.

Brad, you should really read up before you run your mouth.

Sure bro, that album is pop. Go back and read all the reviews calling it a pop album.

"The whole point of working with Justin Bieber was to do something that was never done before . . ."

That's two, Woody.

Yes, yes, I love technical defenses to allegations of daughter fucking.

You should try harder.