The Colonel

What is MRA defense mode?

The column is not responsible for the "vitriol" (it wishes it were that clever) The vitriol has come from (i) people with an agenda who've chosen to insult anyone critical of the article and (ii) people not stoked on being called sexist homophobes because they think the article isn't funny.


No, it doesn't like being called out—see, e.g., Richard Pryor—it just doesn't like humor that falls flat. In all seriousness, if she had written this out as an article about her experiences as a lesbian comic dealing with the male comedy world, I would have been very interested to read. I would have also been

Nowwww I get it.

That's her "delivery," but whatever word you use, she still fails miserably in this article, which is the cause of the criticism.

Grrrrr, Wafflicious mad!! Must be your sexism coming through again.

Right, but you have a goatee.

"At least I'm not some whiny virgin . . "


Still reeling from that take-down, Ham?

Well, I was here earlier today when there were a few comments along the lines of "what the hell is this, it's not funny at all, I don't get it." I was one of the people that expressed that sentiment, based purely on reading the article alone.

Lol, yep, SPANKED.

I think maybe your stick-on goatee has migrated onto your eyes. As I wrote: "I think most people—myself included—are simply mistaken are mistaken based on the giant graphic. Who in the world is Carmen Sandiego, right?"

Haha, I'm at work, bro.

She's like Kiss when they made the soundtrack to the Elder. I can only assume Ace cried some real tears of sorrow.

Okay, you're a rising lesbian.


BOOM! Violet Jones with the pile-driver!

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I do see your invitation to ignore you and I think I'll follow it.