
Yeah, for real! I'm really excited that people are talking about the issues. I had really hoped to make the interview about the issues and actually declined to answer stuff about my specific experiences. Not out of an unwillingness to share, but I told Tracy that trying to start out the article with what my

In terms of getting into a poly situation or about having a romantic partner? If it's about a romantic partner, I can say that the idea of having a partner you're purely romantic with isn't an exclusively asexual orientation concept. Anyone of any orientation can have romantic attractions and romantic relationships.

(Oh yeah, I was just finishing up some stuff here and I remembered something else I could tell you— I really wanted to try to get some more opinions too. In my thinking, it would have been cool to try to organize a bit of a mass group and get lots of input so I took this interview to a sizable asexuality internet

My cat needs to roll in everything. He leaves piles of dead leaves and mud everywhere he lays. I know your dog feels. The struggle is real.

I have half a head of hair o....o So shaving fist bump to you. Or cancer fist bump. You know. O...o;; Okay, I no longer know if I'm doing this right. All I mean is YAY NO HAIR!



Hey, it's all good, friend. My problem with the original article is that it had been written to say "asexual (meaning not into sex) and demisexual (meaning sometimes, but not always, into sex)" and asexual doesn't mean not into having sex. It means you're not sexually attracted to any gender. If you happened to be a

Sorry for the confusion but I think it's cool you're trying to figure it out. I'm AFAB and people do tend to assume I'm a cis woman, but I am agender and go by they/them. People do assume I'm heterosexual when they see me with my husband and child. I guess people assume I have a "healthy" sex life, but I think that's

I'm definitely not the only perspective on asexuality. Things about my perception are just my perception and I did make some comments as to that in my original piece, but they were edited out so I hope it can just be implied that, of course, I am not the be all end all of the voice of the asexual community. :) The

Thanks, Tracy. I'm glad you wanted to set things right and I was glad to be given the opportunity to help. I know that not everyone will agree with my perspective on everything or maybe that some won't have found me clear enough, but it was great to give it a try.

Exactly! : ) Thanks!

Hi, Real Cody! I am fake Cody. You're right, Cody is not my name. I wanted to use a fake name because I'm mega shy on the internet and I told Tracy I wanted to use the name Cody because, and I quote, "Cody is a baller name."

I am also not way cooler than you. I am supremely boring. I'm wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja

You are awesome. : D

I'm definitely not the final word on asexuality! I tried to use "I feel" and "In my opinion" kind of language exclusively. One person's take is never the only take. Thanks for reading!

I did specifically mention aromantics in my original answer because I know they are often not included in discussions of the asexual umbrella. Unfortunately that part was cut by an editor. AROMANTICS FTW!

Would it be arrogant of me if I popped up and said thank you? I was really worried doing this interview because I know that you can never make everyone happy or that people will never all agree. So I'm just really happy that some people have received it well. Thanks!

I'm really sorry, you're right. I hadn't intended to make it sound that I thought it was a mental state. My words could be read two ways though, I see now, and I apologize for not making that much more clear.

No, it's not! I had not meant to make it read like intersex was being included in a list of spectrum behaviors. I meant it as a list of things people had asked me like 1: intersex 2: autism 3: behavior disorders. However I see what you pointed out— that it can be read as if I was including intersex as a mental state

: ) Thanks! I had problems with them too, though I'm usually shy to respond in comments so I wrote directly to Tracy and she was super cool and wanted to work together to respond in a productive way. I hope it is helpful in some ways.

: ) I did tell them I went by "they/them", but that wasn't something that made it into the final.

If it helps, I went many years not really knowing if we were friends or something more. For many years we said we were just "really, really, really good friends. Like more than other friends. It's something, but I don't

I did originally talk about ace privilege in my response. My goal for the interview was to: (1) Clarify what asexuality meant (2) Show asexuality not in a spotlight, but as a topic on a bookshelf of queerness. I had intentionally tried to make as many references to other queer groups, the historical struggles of the