
I had a really wonderful experience with Flava Flav. One day, my brother and I were waiting outside of a check cashing place in North Hollywood for our mom to come get us. While waiting, up rolls Flava in his black Escalade with a handful of money about to go into the check cashing place. But first he stops and asks

Betty is like the cold, distant mother I never had.


Kurt Cobain and Nirvana fundamentally changed the face of music today. You would be hard pressed to find any musician of note who disagreed with that. There wasn’t even a fucking hip hop group in the ‘90s that didn’t sample nirvana. They spoke to an entire generation and managed to make it feel like they were speaking

I love Courtney Love! I definitely wouldn’t call any individual criticism or critic of her behavior sexist, but the amount of criticism she gets compared to male rock stars is totally sexist. No one expects their male rock idols to be all sweetness and light and humility and sanity and rationality and moderation. In

John Lennon was an abusive fuckwit whose jealous rage made him want control of every aspect of Yoko’s life, and he fucking sucked. Even if I can respect him as a musician, I am incapable of respecting him as a human being.

I live in CA. Born and raised my whole live. All 42 fucking years of my life on this planet have been spent in California and all I can do is plot how to get out. I should have left years ago but no. I stayed. Why? Because everyone said “OMG don’t leave CA! Are you crazy?” Now I’m 42, I have 4 kids in school and a

Does Nick Loeb work for the Dyad Institute? Does the Dyad need yet another string of clones?

Once upon a time (okay 10 years ago) I would have been all over this shit. You know how some girls go through a pony phase. Well some girls go through a Lolita/obsessed with older men/obsessed with professors and teachers/authority figures/daddies phase. I still wear my heart shaped glasses and look forward to being

I could’ve been one of Colin Farrel’s conquests. Glad I wasn’t though... He was filming a movie in fucking Van Nuys of all places and he was sitting outside of the Starbucks by my house with some dude. I walked in, got my chai, went out to sit with a friend, Colin walked up to me and introduced himself and shook my

See, I think he’s loving this. He’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t see getting convicted as even a possibility because his lawyers are so good, so what he’ll be getting it a short stint in jail (where apparently in the past he had tons of fun as he fell in with a gang and was able to pay protection to keep from

I mean, the definition of a disorder of any kind is that it interferes with your life and causes distress... so.

Study: People with Disorders have Harder Lives.

I had a serious eating disorder throughout my teens and the effects have followed me into adulthood. I missed out on my GCSE’s (end of high school qualifications) and so never got to do A-Levels or a degree at university. Job opportunities are therefore limited. Though I consider myself fairly well educated, it’s more

I hope this surge of publicity gives Kathie's family some kind of grounds to file a civil suit against Durst and his assets. They really are the ones who deserve his money, not this woman.

See, part of me believes this, but part of me doesn't. All of the three (known) kills were connected and close to him at fragile moments of suspicion 1.) his wife with whom he was fighting profusely and she wanted a divorce. He didn't want her to have part of his estate and he didn't want to be known as the divorcee

I met the one that got away when I was 18. I was sitting outside of Starbucks, drinking a chai tea latte with two shots of espresso, chain smoking, reading Rimbaud poetry. He came up to me and asked if he could bum a cigarette. He was dreamy and rather sweet. We talked for a bit and then he asked if I'd like to go out

Yeah, well one time when I smoked....I don't know what it was actually. I thought I was on a Ferris wheel and I was like "when the fuck did we go to the fair!?!?" Only to realize I was rubbing my face in big circles.

So, now that it's pretty much a known that Bynes is suffering from mental illness can Jezebel stop posting articles like this?