
she hasn’t necessarily re-invented herself. She’s still a really bad actress. AV Club types just automatically believe that you must be a great actor/actress if you start doing Indies. But most people know she’s still not very good.

That’s a fair point. On the other hand, I heard of a taxi driver in NYC who shot up a bordello to rescue a teenage Jodie Foster. 

I LIVE IN THE HEARTLAND, YOU DINK! But please make geographical assumptions. The Republicans here are just as vacuous, stupid and craven as the ones in Washington. They basically take the steps from the Koch Brothers (Heartland dwellers, they) Dancebook and trounce on any social program that might help individuals and

That’s really not the case in this instance. Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec along with any of their “fans”(?) fall into the category of Alt Right (or rape enablers, pedophilia enablers, racists etc...) Thanks for playing no participation trophy for you.

Left-leaning is a bit inaccurate, we haven’t had left representation in federal politics since the seventies. Clinton’s policy decisions, from workfare to the expansion of the prison industrial complex, speak volumes.

Boy I really want to live in the sweet land of milk and honey that is the universe where this is actually the worst tweet ever.

It’s totally punk rock to complain about not playing "big venues". On another note, that joke might've worked if he hadn't added that lame kicker. 

I’m not sure Ruprecht has any concept of satire.

My favorite response.

Becky: Things have been kind of rough since Mom crashed her car into that truck carrying radioactive waste.

Darlene: Yeah, and it’s even worse that the driver was pigeon...

Nah, I think the sandwich issue is bigger.

I think they’ve also failed to understand how much of human emotion is rooted in the same thing.

I heard David Koch is in failing health, so that’s nice.

In my experience the old folks who are really afraid of “false reports” are folks who are worried they will be caught for their behavior.

I don’t understand the Joss Whedon hate. Yes, the Wonder Woman script is awful, but the rest seems overblown.

And bring in a third Becky, just so the rubes get confused and won’t notice the missing mother, amirite? ;)

Then they trolled me, and I said “But I didn’t mean ‘traditional gender roles’ for ME!”, but they just kept laughing.

Yeah, just what America needs, more ‘celebrity’ presidents.

Netflix is not free.

I’m, uh, like, uh, sure - I mean, I’m like, pretty sure - that is; I have confidence, that, uh - um, like you know how when people express confidence? - like, that uh the dialogue will be really believable.