
You forgot Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani

Agreed. If Remy had remained Team Tusk I think they probably would have won. Or if Tusk had stuck with Linda's deal.

I just finished watching Deadwood for the first time so this pleases me, except for it being on CBS and terrible, probably.

Funny I was just thinking "So this is FNL with spies…"

I really like the tattoo parlor scene, unlike everyone else, apparently. Sure it is unrealistic, but no more unrealistic than say, shoving someone in front of the on-coming metro without anyone noticing.

Based on the promos, I honestly thought this movie was a parody until I read this review.

This is the first episode that I have ever enjoyed Charlie. Part of it is that I like having a teenage girl fill "the muscle" trope. And she does cynical a lot better than whatever she was going for last year.