If the resolution is twice as high, won't the image sizes be 4 times their current size?
If the resolution is twice as high, won't the image sizes be 4 times their current size?
Luckily, I don't have genes.
I guess hotmail still sounds better than msmail.
A very sophisticated Magic 8 Ball. Welcome to the future.
Almost the perfect P&S. It just doesn't go quite as wide as I would like.
Do you realize that MFT stands for micro 4/3? I'm guessing not, because you wouldn't have claimed any of those companies had already done this. The NEX and NX ILC's have an APS-C sensor, so that's bigger than MFT, and Olympus invented MFT, so clearly, they're not squeezing in between themselves and P&S.
It's a fail, because it it a too-small sensor with too-slow lenses. And the 2.7X crop factor makes using it with existing Nikon primes pointless. And for all that, it's way too expensive. What features make it so useful, anyway? None of them, as far as I'm concerned, mitigate these other major areas of weakness.
I meant "S100", Canon's new P&S. You really think Nikon just showed them how it's done? I can't disagree more. It's a total fail as far as I can tell.
"Nikon 1: A Tiny Camera With Interchangeable Lenses That’s Crazy"
The Windows 8 version that runs on ARM-based tablets will not support x86 applications. That means developers will need to make two versions of their apps, one that runs on desktop (x86) PC's and another that runs on ARM. That's not exactly the one OS to rule them all philosophy that some are making it out to be. And…
Yeah, giz, do your homework. Apparently the author of this post didn't realize M43 *is* a sensor size. Moreover, this is competing with the Fuji X100 and not so much the m4/3 cameras by Panny and Oly.