Cinema Snob Quote Generator

"Meanwhile, what are the racists doing?"

Merry Christmas! The Nazis win!

If this guy were any less likable, he'd be a genocidal dictator.

This town needs a leather bar like yesterday.

Here's how you know the movie's in trouble. The title comes from the hit Bee Gees song "Stayin' Alive." You hear that! "Stayin' Alive!" Not Staying Alive, "Stayin' Alive!" There's no G in this disco dojo!

Usually, when something is called one of the worst films ever made, I shrug it off and say "there's worse films out there, trust me."

That's what the warts on Italian Batman's balls are called.

This makes no sense! I was told that everything Trump puts his name on is a winner! Which explains the runaway successes of Pageant Place and The Apprentice Martha Stewart!

Four minutes in: talking. Ten minutes in: fucking. Thirteen minutes: talking. Fifteen minutes: fucking. Twenty minutes: talking. Twenty two minutes: fucking. Twenty nine minutes: talking, and that just barely counts because seconds later they ease right into the fucking.

I came here for the yuks, not the fucks!

This is a really fucking intense way to introduce VeggieTales to someone!