
“Dr. Nielsen” shows up during a baby delivery episode, a classic staple of Sweeps Week.

Honestly, I really do think you’re being impatient. And I sympathize. I’d definitely tear through WandaVision in a heartbeat if I could. That said, I’m pretty skeptical that it’s hurting the show in anyway, or turning off casual viewers. I think a lot of more casual viewers are rather turned off by binge culture where

So here’s where I think we’re at: There are three conflicting groups in Westview.

I see why reviewers got the first three episodes. 1 and 2 were intriguing, but 3 is the hook.

Agnes begins to say things about Wanda—the Wanda we’ve seen in the past—and her life from before that disturb him. Agnes knows that, after losing her parents and Pietro, Wanda had no real biological family to speak of, and the way she says all of this is with an acuity that Westview’s residents haven’t really had up

(Oh, also… what does everyone know about Earth-2800? I’m guessing that house number is no accident.)

I knew I recognized the voice! Thank you!
I don’t know why the reviewer is giving the wrong message from the radio, I also heard “Who is doing this to you?!” and I don’t think this is Wanda’s doing at all. It is either a complete outside simulation (technically or magically) or someone is abusing her powers to create

ecause Hart begins to choke after Wanda and Vision both fail, or refuse, to recall their pre-Westview lives when asked, the implication is that one of them is causing the danger. Clearly, Wanda’s history in Marvel’s comics make her the obvious choice here, ...”

I am sorry what?! How can one misread the scene so hard?

What’s interesting is that in ep 2, “weird” things are in color (specifically red). But the beekeeper is in black and white, implying that he belongs there? Huh.

It’s the Thanos-copter

I very much appreciate there was no catch-up (though I did watch the Marvel Legends things last week), because to do a whole “this is what you know from before” thing and then jumping into this would just be jarring.  Better to go directly into this.

It seems she subconsciously knows what’s going on but is hiding herself away from trauma. 

I came looking for a recap just to see if that was talked about. I only know mostly what’s been in the movies so far, so was wondering if there’s some other history behind that color scheme, seems a bit of a stretch for it to be pure coincidence.

Toaster beeping could be a reference to the Stark missile that kept her and Pietro trapped under a bed for two days, as they exposited in Age of Ultron?

just an aside, the LEDs you’re seeing in the closing credits are what you see when you look at an analog tv tube through a magnifying glass.

Still think it’s MCU does Life on Mars, tho. ;)

It is really gutsy of Marvel to start this series cold. There’s no recap to catch us up to when last we saw our heroes. They put that in a separate series. They trust their audience to already know the background and be on board to solve the mystery of how Vision does not have a crater in his head where the mind

I don’t mean forever. But it would be foolish to pin our hopes on specific end dates. 

I mainly think this is going to continue in phases. For a lot of America, it isn’t even real yet. And that should be a good thing, but the trend has been that places aren’t issuing stay at home directives until it arrives. Only 30 states have issued these types of directives.

This is so over due.