
Yeah. Living and working in Chicago, you take the CTA, it’s $2.50. Now that I live in the burbs I take Metra, which works out to about $4.50 per ride. One time the train was significantly delayed I looked up what it would cost to Uber or Lyft and it was like $50 one way and would take longer than my normal commute. I

The alt-right nutjobs don’t need something like this to give them ammunition. They make up enough of their own BS to last a lifetime.

Fair point. I guess in my mind that’s a very different thing. But there’s probably no good reason for me to assume that racists would understand the difference.

How many times do we have to say this? Samantha Bee didn’t use the word she used because Ivanka is a woman. She used the word because Ivanka is cruel, dishonest, and corrupt. Ivanka is complicit in some truly awful crimes.

Not even close. Degrading someone based on their race hits the victim because of something they can’t control. The C-Word was used to describe someone because of her horrible actions. It’s not cool to make fun of Ivanka because she’s a woman. It’s totally cool (and accurate) to make fun of her because she’s cruel,

Definitely trying this.

I did not need another reason to loathe Mike Brown, but thank you for throwing another on the pile.

I once ordered fried shrimp at a beach-side restaurant in Rio de Janeiro. They came deep fried with the tail, shell, and legs still intact. I peeled them, thus peeling off all the deep fried goodness that was stuck to the shell and legs. It was a huge mess and totally not worth it. Do the locals just eat the whole

When you’re 10-27 in your fifth straight rebuilding year you need to have some fun where you can...

Not exactly. First, they re-branded it as not being Infinity War part 1 and 2. That means there was a possibility that this story comes to a close and that A4 will be a different story. For example, they defeat Thanos, but then another threat appears that they have to deal with in A4. But also, you never know where

It’s not that movies are only good without knowing details in advance. Knowing major plot points can severely lessen the tension and anticipation that you feel, which diminishes the experience. Also, if you know a certain character dies, you’ll spend the whole movie guessing about when and how it takes place. You’ll

You’re right that the rules of the expansion draft were altered from previous efforts, but the deck was not stacked in their favor. It was altered so that the team could be below average right away and not have to suffer through some dreadful seasons up front.

I think you’re forgetting that Trump also admitted on Twitter this morning.

The sex is why people watched, but not why it mattered. The perjury charge against Clinton was a bit more dubious, and not easily proven. We have easily accessible video evidence of Trump claiming both that he knows nothing about it, and then that he directed it and paid for it. It wasn’t under oath, so there’s no

Someone who was smart enough to incorrectly use “roll” instead of “role” just to make it seem plausible that Trump wrote it himself.

Agreed. I don’t care about that. I do care that it led to him breaking a whole bunch of other laws though.

It doesn’t matter where the money came from. The fact that it was spent in order to keep information from coming out that might harm his campaign makes it an illegal campaign contribution. The fact that Trump tried to cover it up is obstruction of justice. Agreed that the affair is “Kenneth Starr” horseshit. The

Well, if your software is so primitive it doesn’t have a find/replace function, may I recommend you use the copy/paste function to copy into Word and paste back out of it.