Why can't they just start a Kickstarter campaign? We'll find out in a hurry whether the public even cares anymore.
Why can't they just start a Kickstarter campaign? We'll find out in a hurry whether the public even cares anymore.
Reason #27 or whatever: The play that got their '70s run started, the Immaculate Fucking Deception. Fuck Franco Harris for his bullshit "catch" and his love of Jerry Sandusky.
Great, so Paterno made millions from his position and gave millions to the institution that empowered him!
Poor Don Herbert. If he was doing his thing today, you know he'd be able to afford something better than a K Car.
I caught that too. My suspicion is that they mean no object has been rated above a Level 4 since they implemented the scale.
If you want to Abrams-ize this stuff, just go into Photoshop and add lens flare.
I never knew that was his character's last name. Still, I could never look at a family-size can of beans again after that.
The thing is, TMZ has a pretty damn good track record when it comes to stuff like this. And it's not like ESPN had a problem reporting on Joe Paterno's death based on a shitty college newspaper.
Buzz - Do you find it difficult to type with your fists permanently clenched?
That's a great way to download images from Google Books.
28. A manager should remain detached from his players.
I check in once in awhile, and it's a ghost town.
Myth # whatever: Spot training the upper or lower region of a muscle.
Elway only has to disown Tebow one more time for the cock to crow.
Manning knew what was up when Irsay brought him into a room to sign a new contract, and nobody else was there.
Little Blue Truck FTW. Also, that Love You Forever book is the creepiest fucking thing I've ever seen. Oh look, my elderly mother is stalking me, ain't that precious!?
it's the first time a governor has put his imprimatur on an agreement.
Outstanding work, Luke. That is all.
Will the Braves exercise it?
How do you get that inch?