
Isn’t the Porche 928 in the “70s cars are curvy” photo an ‘82?

Is the last name the same as any of the first 10 presidents? If yes, move on to the next ride.

PC master race lol, more like “I need to use google to get every game to run right race”

Welp, guess I’m buying an Xbox, didn’t want to spend that loot, but I want next gen and mods.

Well this is what Gozer is gonna look like if I ever run into Zuul.

Diablo III had a rough start with online issues and a controversial REAL MONEY Auction House, but currently, the game’s in a good state, and constant updates make its endgame better than ever.

Just another millennial who makes my eyes roll. Next. Her cosplay crap has cultural headwear don’t get why that’s okay...

Yeah but its sega crap.

Assholes, all of them. Don’t yell something that could cause someone(s) to get hurt, and don’t fucking act like a nitwit over some digital bullshit. No wonder these nitwits are getting shot at and robbed, no fucking common sense.

That’s a tight Duck Tales poster, that kid’s got style.

Yeah because water is so dangerous... hardly assault, but way to drama queen it up!

Take my money. Though they should really be the rounded controllers that nintendo put out after the SNES release. Those square corners are killer on the hands.

I’m such a nerd, downloading now, thanks for the tip!

Pieces of shit like this need their teeth kicked in.

God damn I loved raiding in EQOA, EQ2 and vanilla WoW. I loved the trial and error process. Figuring out the resistances, the AoE’s, the specials. Sucks getting old and working and shit.

Remember these are designed to be maintained by Army mechanics, so they are relatively easy to repair and replace parts.