The Chin

Sploid is the frickin’ best. Gizmodo should be a sub-blog of Sploid. Reading Casey Chan’s headlines is totally beautiful.

How about letting me sort my playlists by ‘date added’ on the phone app?

The gameboy Advance SP was not a gimmick at all. The backlight was definitely a must.People could finally play games at night. No more looking for light sources to play.

The easiest solution is to just click the "Hide all from ___" for every page that your friends share useless content like that from. Upworthy? Hidden. Every single "what ___ are you" quiz site? Hidden.

I hide them all and my Facebook feed is much less awful as a result. Nothing of any value is lost by keeping pages

Toddlers and cat in fridge, butter on countertop.

This article should be on every news site, discussed on every TV channel, and shared by everyone on Facebook on a semi-monthly basis from now until the world ends.

It's weird how using Photoshop for so long has mad me actually see these as holes...

All entries in the "Everything Is A Remix" series are worth watching. You can find others on Vimeo as well.

I will leave it on at all times and constantly look disgusted with every ad that comes up. If they're getting my data, it will be the most confusing data I can produce.

Pocket Casts is probably the closest.

I know mozzarella cheese when I see it. The only thing it's going to absorb is a high quality marinara sauce.

"Sure, just ask anyone who's spent more than ten bucks on an HDMI cable"