The girl he went home with the night before wasn’t.
The girl he went home with the night before wasn’t.
I swear, if Ariana Grande were any more fond of overexposed pictures of herself, she’d be a staple of that Goths in Trees Tumblr.
I posted a picture on Facebook of a kind of cool and fun Labor Day Weekend bonfire I went to last night. It was on a beach. There were, like, 40 or so people—parents, kids, whatever—just hanging out, roasting marshmallows, and rocking out to a few hack musicians (myself included) who had set up a little Talking…
“Still better than feeding your child formula!”
Still with the photos before the description :(
I have very little doubt that they are using their miscarriage as an opportunity to spread anti choice rhetoric
So security footage shows the ‘criminal activity’ but not the encounter with police ending in a shooting? Very good.
It’s safe to assume this never would’ve happened with a player from Anglo State.
It’s like comic sans and the disney font had a baby.
I am the worst thing. I was invited to a wedding in hawaii and i brought my roommate on as a date, but in hawaii we fell in love like some sort of temporary spell. The plane back we fucked slowly under a blanket. We got back and it was just as normal.
You and me both. I have intensely passive-aggressive contests with one of my beloved flatmates who likes the temperature to hover somewhere between the Arabian desert and the surface of the sun. I, being a normal, like it somewhere around 21°-22°C (aka 70°-72°F in American). So every time one of us passes the…
I wish he would think in his head before he thought out loud. I'm still over him after his comments about getting an award for black music.
What do you really expect from that ginger faced fart storm? This is the same dude who hand waved away any criticism of him being named “the future of R&B” by some magazine or the other. He’s the Weasley ghost with spattergroit. No one loves him. He is the Kanye to Nicki’s Beyoncé, except he’s fucking wrong and should…
THIS RIGHT HERE is why officers need de-escalation training.