
Can you imagine the field day Fox News would’ve had if Michelle Obama flipped out like that at a random person for a fairly innocuous video about Sasha and/or Malia, though? Not that that takes away anything from your point, but good lord, the mental image of it all. O’Reilly would give himself an aneurysm, and Ann

Virginia is a right-to-work state, so it’s most likely not unionized (although I suppose it’s possible that it is).

I was thinking they meant Tom Bombadil, which would also fit, I think.

Public schools are allowed to host functions put on by religious organizations as long as they would, in theory, allow *any* religious organization to use their campus for a similar function.

Ah, okay. I’d thought I’d heard something about her working in a restaurant that was popular with German officers, but that does sound like the sort of story that someone who didn’t actually know what they were talking about would make up to conceal the fact that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

What??? Now that’s a step too far, those monsters!

As long as you’re including Dr. Ruth, wasn’t Julia Child a spy for the Allies in occupied France during WWII? That’s pretty damn badass.

Still down with that definition of badassery.

Oh jesus christ, yes, Christopher Lee. “Have you any idea what kind of noise happens when somebody is stabbed in the back? Because I do.”

Lol, I remember that. So many of my high school classmates called Mike Jones just for the hell of it.

I wish I could give you another star just for your username.

Plus, Benadryl is, unlike Rohypnol and many other sedatives, something a woman might take on her own, for unrelated reasons, so even if she did test positive for it somehow, it still wouldn’t be “proof” that her attacker did anything wrong.

That’s what happened when my then-boyfriend raped me. I had sex with him, nominally consensually, one additional time before I left him, and one of his points of evidence that he didn’t ever rape me is because I said yes the last time. I told him, “well, what was I supposed to do? Say no?”

They might not be able to ban just white people from wearing locs, but they could specify that hair, no matter the style, must be kept neat and clean. Which would, among everyone with locs, disqualify more white people than black people.

There was a post I saw on Tumblr to the effect of, “‘pick up artists’ and ‘garbage men’ should switch names,” which I think is brilliant.

And even if the abuser does kill her, well, he says she called out another dude’s name during sex, so that’s obviously what definitely happened and also she deserved it!

The primary thing I took away from this post is “black tie and neon” as a party theme, which sounds fucking badass.

Houston is hot, ridiculously humid, and surrounded by chemical plants; Dallas is pretty much just as hot, the traffic is just as bad, and there’s something vaguely creepy about the whole damn metroplex; Austin is even goddamn hotter and filled with San Francisco rejects and wannabes who obsess over shitty fast food

Oh, shit, I didn’t even notice you were here! But, honestly, knowing you, I am exactly 0% surprised that you are :-P

(Seriously, I only ever pay any attention to people’s usernames if someone points it out or if someone responds to something and I can’t figure out what, so I have to go back and look for the person

Same for if they tell you they think your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse is abusing you. But then again, in either case, if people who know you are telling you they’re worried about you, chances are good that you really and truly do have a problem.