I like being the only sober person at the party... I mean, I know I’m a weirdo, but still.
I like being the only sober person at the party... I mean, I know I’m a weirdo, but still.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who named one of their Magikarp after Trump. I also named another one Ted Cruz, my Ekans is Paul Ryan, my Snorlax is Gov Christie, and I named my Jynx Ben Carson.
If I understand it correctly, Niantic used to be a Google property, but is now an independent company.
God, I recently unfriended a guy (who is, like me, in his late 20's) after one of our mutual friends messaged me and said, “hey, did you know that that guy is a fascist?” and gave me links to all these posts he made on these “anti-antifa” and “one nation, one race: the right move for America” pages, where he talked…
Yeah, I think it did the same thing to a couple of my comments on this article (in fact, I think I may, right now, be replying to your first comment again, and there’s nothing I seem to be able to do about it). But at least everyone knows Kinja’s a mess, so... *shrug*. But thank you. I mean, I understand why my…
Fucking ew. God, how goddamned awful of a mass of decaying roadkill possums walking around in a human skin suit do you have to be to even think that thought?
My own brother is still drinking buddies with my ex who tried to kill me (and probably would’ve succeeded if his uncle hadn’t intervened). I know how you feel.
I am so sorry that they did that to you and I hope you are able to find peace and joy and all the good things you deserve to have.
I’d be more surprised if he *weren’t* also a rapist, to be honest. I daresay that the kind of man who not only obviously never taught his son that it is an indispensable moral imperative to obtain his sex partners’ consent before proceeding with sex (or at the very least, not in a way that his son absorbed), but also…
Even so, did he not think to run his letter by his wife before submitting it to the judge? I would have to hope that she’d be like, “uh, dearheart? That might not be sending quite the message you mean to send. Maybe you could change it from ‘20 minutes of action’ to just ‘20 minutes’ or ‘the actions of 20 minutes’…
Seriously. If you took away “of action” from “20 minutes of action” and the part about having to register as a sex offender, you’d think he was in trouble because he’d been driving drunk and plowed into somebody’s fence or something.
I can’t say I see any particular problem with it.
My five year old son’s response to this picture:
“What is that guy?”
“He’s crying because the police caught him doing something bad and he’s scared of going to jail.”
“No, I mean, what is that thing on his face?”
“That’s his nose, sweetie.”
I didn’t say fight men, I said fight systemic violence. The fact that you conflate the two is exactly the problem.
What movie is that?
Ehhh, I was with you until the prison rape thing. But it’d be nice if he got Molly to protect him from the other inmates while constantly joking about how he *should* just rape him one of these days.
Yeah, well, just because it’s unhealthy doesn’t mean it’s not true. Fight the violence of the white cisheteropatriarchy if you don’t like it.
Fearing and hiding female sexuality is just the other side of the coin, though: both attitudes are about ownership, specifically, fathers having ownership of their daughters (and their sexuality) until he transfers that ownership to her husband. I guaran-goddamn-tee you that this guy would be fucking LIVID if she had…
I’m not a teacher, and I caught that impression, too. But then, I had a friend in elementary school who “had a hard life”, according to all the teachers, and although I never learned any specifics, my parents told me that that usually means abuse.