
I’m neither a hijabi nor even a Muslim, but it’s my understanding that many Western Muslim women who wear headscarves, do so as a reminder to the men around them that they do not exist solely for male sexual consumption and that a woman’s sexuality is for the woman herself to share only with those whom she chooses. So

Tipped employees get, in many states, $2.13 an hour from their actual employer. In theory, if the server does not get the equivalent of $5.12 (assuming their state uses the federal minimum wage of $7.25) per hour in tips, the employer has to pay the difference between whatever they got and the actual minimum wage. In

I absolutely believe you when you say you weren’t intending that as a subtle dig or anything. It’s just that “articulate” is a complement rarely paid to white people, particularly not white men, and it tends to be viewed as a racialized form of damning with faint praise.

Well it’d be nice not to regularly get threatened with rape for having opinions and/or existing. So that’s another thing. And it’d be nice to live in a world without gender policing, homophobia and disparate social value placed on masculine-coded vs. feminine-coded symbols and pastimes. Where people don’t assume women

I don’t disagree with anything you said, but describing the applicant in the story as “articulate” kind of rubs me the wrong way. I mean, she clearly wasn’t just “articulate” if she impressed you like she seems to have done.

The problem is that bleaching isn't just to lighten the hair, it's to, well, damage the cuticle a little so the dyes can get deeper into the shaft. So if you do a semi-permanent dye without bleaching it first (especially over gray, which, I've been told, is harder to dye successfully), it won't last nearly as long.

Sadface :-(

Sounds like I need to look that up. You happen to know if it’s on Netflix?

I dunno, though, I think there's probably a reason it hasn't been made, that being that it'd be hard as fuck to do— it'd end up like the Star Wars prequels, in terms of great visual effects, but probably really shitty, wooden acting.

I fucking love Nicolaj Coster-Waldau. Like, in all his interviews, he's so fucking clever. There was one where they asked the various GoT actors which character they thought should end up on the Iron Throne, and they all gave their opinions and then they got to Nicolaj, and he goes, "Hm... I don't know that the whole

It depends. I like me some abs, but I'd rather have a guy with a flat, but not necessarily ripped, belly and a fine behind than a guy with an 8-pack and a flat little frog ass.

That gif is my new boyfriend.

Also the Andalite Chronicles, Hork-Bajir Chronicles, Ellimist Chronicles, and Visser (all of which I remembered without looking up, and all of which, except maybe Visser, I read).

Ugh. I don't know if you feel like you were in the wrong in any way, but you weren't. There is nothing you did that caused him to do that shit .

Heh, I wish. I did it about four or five times in as many months a few years ago, and haven't touched it since.

The stuff in the bottle that says "bleach" on it is what you're looking for. If you're still not sure, check the label for "sodium hypochlorite". If that's what it has in it, you're golden.

Oh my god. I have to talk about Wayne, my ex-husband's former dealer (although he mostly sold pills and coke, but he also usually had weed and occasionally shrooms). God, what a douche. Like, my ex and I were rolling our asses off on molly, and my ex wanted to hang out with the fucker so as to finagle a chance to hook

Right? It's like the rule about "never ask an unfamiliar woman 'when she's due' unless the baby's crowning": never ask an unfamiliar black/Latino guy if he knows where to get weed unless he's actively smoking weed in front of you.

Lol, I feel your pain. I hail from Houston, myself, and now I live in NC, and have lost all my previous connections here; and since I don't smoke that much, and when I did, it was mostly my significant other of the moment actually making the connection (my ex-husband is one of those mindblowingly charismatic people

Drive over to Bennington on a free afternoon, follow instructions provided in article. You're a Texan! You can handle a little driving!