
@kalaeth: Perhaps the other dogs took different routes? I mean $40,000 dollar student loans on a dog's income? And with the job market the way it is? A dog would have to supplement his "seeing eye" and bomb sniffing wages with carrying booze to stranded skiers! And that barely keeps the kibble flowing, let alone

The sad thing is the "masterminds" behind terrorist plots would never really be "martyrs" themselves. They use cult tactics to recruit unstable fringe members of society, and either just brainwash the hell out of them or literally bully them to get them to perform horrific acts. Then that person is killed to

Stoners. Don't cry for the weed catapult. Please, for once think of the American worker. Buy AMERICAN. Buy METH.

@RigAudio: I am promoting this comment as hard as I possibly can right now.

@zross312: One of two types of mammals that are poisonous. The other is a shrew.

@hopalong: It truly is the greatest animal to ever walk the earth.

@AlphaIOmega: Two words: Fucking. Poison. Spurs.

@mcs328: time machine only fails when you don't use it regularly. I do a two pronged backup with Time Machine and Carbon Copy Cloner to make a monthly, bootable image. Also keep a spare internal drive on hand .

If you are feeling really really daring, you can use your bathroom as a clean room. Turn the shower on really hot and let the steam build up, after that all of the dust in the air will settle on the surfaces. Wipe it down, wait a bit then do it again. Then you can perform hard drive surgery. As long as the platters You are wrong, since HSPA+ is GSM not CDMA.

@spectralveil: I'll go 4G once I can get at least half of the theoretical max speed. All of the time.

@Dusty Duster: Let me correct that for you: "Only if I could get it as Hot and Spicy Breast Milk Cheez-Its".

@cruzer555: It fell on asphalt nothing really on the ground near. I've been using it, but its on of those things that just kinda bothers me. will have it in stock in about 2-4 weeks. $39.99

@cruzer555: Dropped it face down getting out of my friends car. Drunk.

And yet I can't find a single place that has replacement 6th gen Nano screen AND Digitizers for under $50 and in stock.

@protodad: He concedes it's wrong, but not wrong enough.

@blunt_machetti: Using rates of decay, and the amounts of daughter and parent materials present, can paint a fairly accurate picture of when a object or organism is from. It provides a range because while yes it is fairly accurate, it is not possible to say this cave drawing is exactly 32,458 years, 16 days, 12