
I am currently using Hexxeh's Vanialla build but I was curious if the official build had stuff like VPN support? What other security is available aside from the bulletpoints on the chrome OS site? I would like to browse with some confidence when on the road.

@AreWeThereYeti: Until they make 1 terabyte iPhone, I'll keep streaming my media over the internet.

ootunes has some awesome tricks up its sleeve for getting DRMed videos and music to stream to iOS devices. Transcoding through VLC, web access through browsers etc.

@QLAB: Exactly. If I need to access any of the information on my main machine, I can. From my iPad. Which in turn means I could access it from nearly any other Internet connected computer.

At first I was opposed, then I started examining my average use. I normally use my iPad, iPhone, and ubuntu netbook 90% of the time. I own three 2 tb hdd, and a shit ton of smaller drives. And still most of my computing is done on machines with less than 32 gb. And most of that time is spent in the browser.

@Insaniak: I just installed hexxeh's vanilla build the other day but I want Chrome OS vs Chromium OS.

I would like Chrome OS now on my eee right now.

@demographic: iPhone 4 doesn't run at the iPads 1 ghz clockspeed, and the iPad has half the RAM. It impressive still that either device is running it.

But how long until we have a proper moon base? And space pirates???

This guy takes his computer into the bathroom. I think iPad owners could manage.

@brijazz: or you could just get a portable speaker system and plug it in. I get what you are saying but airplay is really meant for a indoor environment. Just like would you wouldn't bring a Sonos to the beach.

@G-stylez: you can pick them up for $50 on eBay. There is no excuse not to if you are already invested in the iTunes world. As an added bonus your wifi network is extended and you can hook up a printer or USB hard drive.

Airport Express and any freaking speakers you want.

Hey Google, you want to improve Internet commenting? Try fucking moderating YouTube.

@Bs Baldwin: I was living at 17th and bainbridge and I remember taking the 30 minute walk to Pat's, drunk, more then a few times. Tourist-y or not, good cheese steak is good cheese steak.

Isn't that why we created biological weapons and then stopped using them? They kill with out damaging the buildings but torture the shit out of those hit by it.

@SnowSoul: I would argue that it IS the governments duty to make sure we have a modern communications infrastructure as it is tied to national security. Lord knows the ISPs would rather sit back and earn as much profit as possible off their existing infrastructure. The general lack of competition by having the phone

I'll stick with Flashblock until it hits the main builds. I like having flash completely off unless I click to allow it and will automagically load html5 content if available. Makes Chrome even faster and it's a night and day difference with Safari.