
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Apple was the first to jump on the USB 1 bandwagon.

@Dabamasha: Well wouldn't the new Walkman be the MP3 player line? The dead Walkman would be the tape player.

@tobylane: I just look and see shit like Spaced and I think to myself "As Brilliant and hilarious as this is, Spaced would have been cancelled after 2 episodes".

I have always been jealous of European broadcast standards. There I said it.

I know Scions have a lot of stupid options like LED cup holders. I did not know about the autopilot feature.

@parkpy: imperfections are imperfections.

To those wondering where the democrats are in this list: they are a group of pansies too afraid to open their mouths. I say this as a registered democrat.

@brianbeatdown: eh, SBsettings, Processes, free up memory.

@lacodia: well at the same time: explain how the health care reform bill is socialist. Please go ahead.

I'm pumped for folders on my iPad. That's pretty much it. Proswitcher and backgrounder handled multitasking so really functionality wise, folders are the only thing I really need.

@tenazrael: well, point out some candidates that are Republican and REALLY pro-science.

Nikon D80 user and I refuse to upgrade. Ever. It takes pictures. They look good (at least in my opinion). I don't need to record video. I've made a few 20x30 prints and they look perfectly fine, and I don't see the need in going larger any time soon. I do night photography at low ISOs so I don't need to ever pop

@Phredd: the article is titled "What tomorrows election means for science and technology". The bias of audience is just as important as the bias of the source material. We all interpret ideas and speech differently. You see an article speaking favorable of (D) stances as they tend to align favorably to the

Let's take a step back commenters:

I've been saying this for years: taxes can continue at the current rates and we can climb out of the hole. We need better accounting. We need to be able to follow the money and not have a system riddled with loopholes and little oversight.

This made me miss DFA1979

@bieber: same kid who sold an xbox 360 to get a PS3, sold the PS3 to get a PS3 slim and then finally bought an Xbox 360 and red dead redemption despite already owning it for PS3. I am buying his old 24" inch imac off of him for $150, because he just bought a new 27 incher. It's the white iMac which is only slightly

My cousin bought a 3D TV 3 weeks ago. I stopped over to see his new house and to check it out.

@Spencer!!: I read all the time on my iPad. Just as much, if not more than my eink (sold) based ereader. That ten hour battery life certainly helps. Only thing I cant do is read in direct sunlight but shade is good to go.

I vote live. I have an iPad but i want an Android device to play with. The kids will root it. And the price is right.