
I’m excited to spend more time with all the fantastic characters from the first season, particularly the phenomenal young lead actors.

I sure hope when ever anyone brings up Barb, the other characters respond with, “Who?” Even during the mentioned dinner with Barb’s parents.

Great crossover potential: The ShIT

We’re going to float so much, we’ll get tired of floating.

Retarded and autistic are different things, so stop fucking calling people retarded, dickhead.

She’s the worst but man even I have no clue what this dude is trying to say

She’s been with the AV Club forever, and her articles always contained a shred of outrage, but ever since the kinjapocalypse she’s turned the outrage up to eleven.

And so Repo Man predicted the rise of Uber.

I believe M. Emmett Walsh was apart of that rule as well. Looking at his iMDB, he’s 82 and is younger than Stanton.

Avenge me!

Whoa, Doc...what’s with the Devo suit?

Are you telling me that you built a DeLorean... out of a Baldwin?

Where this documentary is going they don’t need roads.