
But only if they killed your baby today.

Casinos. Fucking casinos.

Turns out a love of Johnny Depp's extensive scarf collection is universal.

Good weekend. I had Friday off as well as Monday, so that was nice. Went to see a screening of Twin Peaks: FWWM on Saturday. The girlfriend's still not quite entirely on board with the whole Twin Peaks thing.

As long as it doesn't remind me of Brendan Fraiser in one of those stupid tiny houses, it's fine.

Like Spider Man.

Are you pondering pizza? I hope it's pizza.

Are you suggesting that this isn't really such a great job, internet?

No doubt she appreciates your pity as she wipes away all her tears with hundred dollar bills.

Death By: Money

Rated R for intense fantasy violence, some adult language, and suffragettes.

Don't be absurd.

She is very obviously a vampire and needs to be staked, beheaded, and her remains cremated.

Nasty woman.

God damn liberal media.

When did he even ever get positive press?

And that's you told! Take that!

Feminazi stole my ice cream.


That men must all be destroyed!!