
Yes but with more autism and less fun.

We were talking about the early bird special at the Country Buffet.

That's crazy, who designs video games for 14 year old boys?

*checks nerd handbook

This is a question I do not want answered.

Man, you've been cranky the last couple days. I suggest some soothing honey chamomile tea.

Tits and griffins.

He'll feel like he got kicked right in the caboose.

Oh, I don't know. It's always pretty entertaining to watch him yelp and run away on those stumpy little legs.

I never watched it.

Conservatives have been droning on about "the average American" or "the real America" or "the Silent Majority" for ever. It was bullshit half a century ago, and it's bullshit now.

Nerddom is the province of pasty white guys, news at 11.

I'm sorry, I've gotten totally out of control.

It's almost like you're trying to suggest that Trump and his whole cabal are a bunch of grifters!

Oh sure, 200 bucks thanks Plinko you fucker.

Celebrities Wiped Out might be better.

She's very attractive.

Sounds like he was just trying to get out in front of his uncle's hilarious story.


The time jump brings us right to where Aly discovers Winston's collection of human skulls.