
That - THAT - is, uh, chaos theory.

A lot of these apartments are unrealistic in most of the major cities in the US. Setting them in NY just makes it fucking comical.

This is exactly why I've never owned a car.

He's posting outraged tweets about this band the Sex Pistols that all the kids are loving nowadays.


Soda consensus is she's a little weird?

Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead? It can only be that.

Wonders never cease.

Damn, I thought this was going to be the continuing adventures of Moles and his sentient computer.

It's use should never have been interpreted as "Pepe is a racist symbol" but rather "alt-right fucktards still use memes and image macros in online discourse".

Oh, covering up for our ashtray puppetmasters I see.

It went through two fourteen inch thick concrete walls and slammed into a bus killing three people.

Still too ambiguous.

White documentary genocide.

I like The Woman In Red.

"England’s Broadcasting Standards Council ruled that the BBC had acted irresponsibly in airing the program while not making it clear enough to viewers that the proceedings were fictional."

I'm hard.


She deserves it for taking the name "Caitlin". Ugh.
