
He saw Cheech Marin's butthole. He liked it.

Let's hammer these puns into the ground.

Calm down, it's just an aneurysm.

Well, yeah, Jaden's the dumbo.

Gosh, I'm glad the ARTISTS have not walked away from the project. The ARTISTS.

"Penis" is the most scandalous euphemism

Listen to some cool Prince stuff?

You're playing right into his hands!


Undocumented aliens need to get back in their flying saucers and go the hell home. #MAGA


What's important here is whether they're going to cast a Scottish guy as a Spanish nobleman and a French guy as a Scottish guy.

I like it, in a way, because if Winona Ryder would take Sean Astin over David Harbour then I guess I still have a chance.

We're the Vision Quest generation.

I'm not THAT pathetic, it's a '96.

It's not like she doesn't know it's bad, she's just…I don't know. She wants to see John Wick, too, but she's being really insistent.

That should be doable. There's also my infamous tendency to fall asleep in movie theaters even when it's a film I want to see.

Burke! It was Burke!

I lost a little respect for my girlfriend the moment I realized she wasn't fucking kidding.

You had me at "cue shower sex".