
It has been said elsewhere, several times, but you really REALLY need to do a follow-up on this Wii U photo:

It’s more like, yes I know he hates me but he promised to round up all the brown people.

I binge watched the entire 3 seasons of Hannibal only a week ago. Mad’s portrayal of the psychopathic villain is truly phenomenal. His role as Hannibal maybe the only bad guy with no moral ambiguity present that I’ve rooted for. That’s how good he was as Hannibal.

I completely forgot he was a dancer! It totally makes sense, he has such control over his movements, a real grace.

Yea, that’s true.

My coworker’s husband’s words: “She squee’d so hard the windows broke.” They’re buying this game exclusively for Mads.

The funny/wonderful (funderful?) part about the non-gamers being interested is that, in this situation about this game, they know practically as much as the dedicated players do.

So basically, you’re saying that you’re fine with both:

Trigger warning:

Only the dankest.

This is definitely the best one, I can already hear Brook say Die Die Die

Damn, well...time to look at thing.

I was wondering why our page was getting so many likes. Thanks for sharing! There will be some more professional shots going up in the next few days. Wait until you see our Dr. Mrs. The Monarch!

Me at the end of this article...

Streets of Rage II?!

I guess its annoying because Chunners is a thigh gal not a boob Christ Capcom, you can’t keep track of your gaming girls best features?


Kojima discovered freedom and happiness.