$20 dollars for what is most likely the best gameplay you'll ever expect out of a cheap licensed game.
$20 dollars for what is most likely the best gameplay you'll ever expect out of a cheap licensed game.
Their target audience is the COD crowd.
Metal Gear Rising would have died without Platinum and they proven themselves to be the best at a bad situation.
It will.
Cel-shading...wonder if it's done by the MadWorld team.
Platinum Games are better entertainers then he is, so yes.
Ah, making modern gritty adaptations the right way.
Go play MadWorld , Bayonetta, Vanquish, Anarchy Reigns, Metal Gear Rising, and Wonderful 101 right now.
Why would they fuck it up?
You doubting Plat?
Metal Gear Rising was, in a way, a rushed job when they were hired. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt they can make GOTY material at a short time frame.
You guys need to get hyped right fucking now.
Mega Man 11. Maybe you guys can figure out how to evolve the series.
I was just thinking that.
Plenty of us, it seemed like what next-gen was going to be. Glad I knew better and jumped off that hype train long before this derailment.
No excitement for Bayonetta 2?
Then nothing will change.
More like shit dumping considering that an A LOT of devs are exploiting the #womenarehardtoanimate movement. It's like the the most massive blood I've ever seen in the water where almost ALL the sharks are swimming in for the kill.
I just Kickstarted this and Sunset so, let's do our part, gamers.