
$20 dollars for what is most likely the best gameplay you'll ever expect out of a cheap licensed game.

Their target audience is the COD crowd.

Metal Gear Rising would have died without Platinum and they proven themselves to be the best at a bad situation.

It will.

Cel-shading...wonder if it's done by the MadWorld team.

Platinum Games are better entertainers then he is, so yes.

Now playing

Ah, making modern gritty adaptations the right way.

Go play MadWorld , Bayonetta, Vanquish, Anarchy Reigns, Metal Gear Rising, and Wonderful 101 right now.

Why would they fuck it up?

You doubting Plat?

Metal Gear Rising was, in a way, a rushed job when they were hired. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt they can make GOTY material at a short time frame.

You guys need to get hyped right fucking now.

Mega Man 11. Maybe you guys can figure out how to evolve the series.

I was just thinking that.

Plenty of us, it seemed like what next-gen was going to be. Glad I knew better and jumped off that hype train long before this derailment.

No excitement for Bayonetta 2?

Then nothing will change.

More like shit dumping considering that an A LOT of devs are exploiting the #womenarehardtoanimate movement. It's like the the most massive blood I've ever seen in the water where almost ALL the sharks are swimming in for the kill.

I just Kickstarted this and Sunset so, let's do our part, gamers.