The Casey

"The Man From Metropolis Steals Our Hearts" by Sujan Stevens

[insert obligatory joke about the priest's boner from The Little Mermaid in 3D]

This is tragedy. Not because it happened, but because it didn't happen like three years ago when Tucker Carlson was on the show.

there is a schadenfreude-type comfort in knowing that at least one of these series' will last longer than Firefly.

I have to believe that, percentage-wise, ratings for NCIS are significantly lower in Oregon than they are in the rest of the country.

I can't imagine how Dane Cook will be able to sustain his electrifying comedic presence without constantly reaching out of frame and breathing heavily into the boom mic.

That's what he gets for helping Cassandra Nova beat up The Beast.

Fingers Crossed
For a Punisher reboot! hopefully this one will be gritty and realistic like Chris Nolan's Batman series. The first Punisher movies were so campy and ridiculous.

Maybe she's still pissed
That she didn't get cast as Madonna for "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story."

One Ring to fool them all…
this didn't actually kick off the fourth season, it aired during the summer Olympics and Larry David had little involvement in the production of this episode.

because my criticism of Pineapple Express has always been that Seth Rogen's character should have been played by a fatter actor and James Franco's character should have been played by someone who isn't a really good actor. Thank god they're finally listening to me!

I want to preface this comment by assuring you that I am under no such delusions that "inappropriate" movie or TV shows will warp the minds of children, but I have to say that Spaceballs represents one of the worst cases of poor judgement from the MPAA. Released in 1987, three years after the PG-13 rating

Jesus went to Hogwarts.
too bad they award emmy's based on the quality of the show, rather than the popularity. Maybe it will win a grammy.

If there is a god…
Robert Downey Jr. will make a cameo as Barack Obama. I kid.
Yeah, this seems pretty retarded, however I am looking forward to seeing who spends more time with their pants off during the film. I got my money on Ferrell, he has years of experience in pantless entertainment, I'm not sure if Galifinakis