
This is why Mullet's can't have nice things.

Tell me why they need a union to do that. Then I will answer your question.

We'll discuss what this all means for the United Auto Workers and Volkswagen in the coming week, but in the meantime the word from Reuters is that workers voted against the proposed Works Council 712 - 626. Obviously, this is extremely bad for the UAW.

No, I don't get what you are saying at all. In fact, that was completely unclear. But I can tell you are pro-union. You are saying that every employee who makes a car should be able to afford that car? Because that is a ridiculous goal. I'm sure the non-union plant workers in Tennessee or South Carolina or Alabama can

To be clear, the UAW doesn't care which political party they support. They, like many other organizations, only want to pick the winning party. Backing the loser doesn't do you any good. If the Republicans take control in 2016, it will be with the help of the unions, and then the Republicans will be bolstering the

On the one hand, a UAW-run "Works Council" in VW feels like such a longshot that a failure seems like no big deal. That's now how they see it though, here's the money quote:

This is the first time I'm 100% on board with the choice. Also, how'd you know this would be perfect after NAIAS?

No, I think she still loves the idea of an Audi, but after the turbos needed to be replaced at 52,000 miles (2,000 out of warranty), she was pretty tired of them. I got her into a lightly used G35 which she loved, and then from there into and FX35.

So, I've had some experienced with this kind of thing in the past.

OH dear LORD, this is the easiest car guy question in the world and everyone always dances around it!

Um..Well the most recent time they stepped in was 2012. Before that I think it was 2010. Toyota is very easy to lump in with GM. Especially as their product line is faltering and they don't seem to care because people are too bull headed to recognize the change.

I think there is another one roaming around Palm Beach County. The front end isn't great. The one I've seen has a slightly upgraded 68 front end and maintains the pop ups.

I think this is the car I've seen down around Florida. The C3 is a pretty beautiful design to begin with (at least curvy). Add a wider body, a well done supercharged, and some pro touring stances all booming with side pipes and it is a stunningly beautiful.

Yes, I am aware. If anything, I would think that might add bias.

I figured Viper.

You've just describe a Shelby GT500, a Mazda RX-7 R1, an S2000 in the wet, and many more.

What? How do you figure? And why is this even worth saying?

Regardless of his place on the silver screen, his involvement in films that got a lot of us into car culture, or his dealings and dabbling in car culture, if this is indeed true, I mourn the passing of Mr. Walker as a fellow hobbyist.

Snow tires are more or less cold weather tires. Snow actually has decent traction, and on an icy road you are better off IN the snow.

You are correct. I forgot the 6.0 did away with the 8.1. I've been staring at too often of late with dreams of dropping it into an old SS454.