Things I’d like to see on a branded Deadspin shirt, ranked:
Things I’d like to see on a branded Deadspin shirt, ranked:
Do the amount of stars received in the comments necessitate the creation of a “Good Teens” tag?
What’s something you’ve always wished you’d said to someone, but didn’t?
Which Deadspin blog post resulted in the highest readership spike in it’s first 24 hours?
how did I end up back in the grays?
Best Fall-Season beer?
And earlier seasons, too:
Is that a reference to his batting helmet or fielding helmet? I’m assuming the latter, but you never can be too sure.
Why do guys walk barefoot around the tiled locker room floor in my gym?
Which is Samer more excited about:
He does seem to have lost his bearings.
Z. Cavaricci’s? Was that just a Long Island thing?
4 minutes on this and I’m the only star?? Fuck is wrong with you people today?
Best “Price Is Right” game (current or past)?
How’s it possible that I’m still hungover?
Has the “lolmets” tag been deleted?
yeah, but what about now?