
You guys wanna hear about my bracket? CRAZY bracket...

Hot Teak:

So yeah, she’s eaten a hot dog.

Always highlight truthers

Ok, thanks

Will Samer ever put up a post in which he types “tits” 300 times?

Lighten up, it’s an internet joke. Roll With It.

Some Might Say you’ve completely missed the joke.

I could ignite Deadspin’s audience by typing “tits” 300 times and hitting the publish button.

You’re a real man, Deion!

Zero chance Magary responds to one of these, right?

What happened to Raysism?

“Every room is roomtemperature”

This is the pinnacle of American journalism as far as Im concerned.

So so many people will not get this. +1 bear arm

In case it hasn’t been explicitly stated yet today, Jerry Jones can go fuck himself.

I stopped by the hospital on my way to the game last night. Nine days old, my son is still there, in the intensive care unit, being treated for pulmonary issues. But he’s making progress, and last night I got to hold him in my arms for the very first time. Then I went and met my father and two brothers at Citi Field

I’ve only ever watched the 2015 NLCS, so that’s a fair point