You make one hell of a Caucasian, Sammy.
I love that you also prefer pancetta! It's my secret. From CT here and we almost never use a roux-let the potatoes thicken the stock by smashing a few on side of pot. Also we add the heavy cream at the very end and only to color it. My chowder is velvety and full bodied without being gloopy. I have access to fresh…
A challenger appears
The Everett is awesome. I've also always liked Rodney Stanger:
Now that I've seen the footage, 2 games seems about right.
Hey Orlove, have you ever been to Puerto Rico? There are some pretty sweet Baja Bugs there.
Maybe you should stop dating beverages.
Sad Broncos fan is still sad :(
Penisfingers are the new hot dog legs.
Thugs. I'm sure this will result in a drive by shooting by these wannabe rap artists. Trust me, one of these "baby daddies" is gonna end up getting "smoked." At least with their new contracts, these guys will no longer be on welfare.
You can put it on the bad-opinion boooooaaaaard......yesss!
You know what else is overrated? Ice cream, and cookies, and chocolate, and chocolate cookie ice cream, and sex with women, and men, and sex with women and men while eating chocolate cookie ice cream. Everyone likes them for BS reasons.
A little perspective: he's been broadcasting the Dodgers longer than Erg's been alive.
The following caller said, in a very angry tone, his car was submerged under water with "7 grams of sour diesel inside". They cut him off right away. Both calls were hilarious live.
Nice comment. Compelling and rich.
The last three words said before this picture was taken: "Are you sure?"